2.9 Let’s Feel Grateful

Today's ep is a big one and a small one all rolled into one. Big because HOW did I wait this long to talk about GRATITUDE?! The positive psychology nerd in me is soooooooo jazzed about this one!

But it's a small episode too because again I'm under the weather and, though I wanted to do a big gratitude meditation, I didn't want to subject you to my scratchy voice for too long (and, let's be honest, my voice couldn't hold out for that long either). Instead I've opted for a quick gratitude primer and a simple exercise in the episode…

… with a BONUS here in the newsletter for you lovely listeners!  

So here's the scoop:

  • You're gonna listen in to the episode above (or on Apple Podcasts or Spotify or… you get the drift)

  • You're going to get all excited and inspired to think about gratitude this week

  • And then you're going to come back and watch this lovely YouTube video that I've probably watched 237 times in the past few years… and you may cry just as much as I do when you watch it because seriously it's so lovely. People telling their loved ones why they're grateful for them?! Ugh it gets me every time 🥰

So if you're feeling up for it, part two of your own exercise in gratitude is to take a look at your journal and see whose name pops up regularly. Is it your roommate who did the dishes (even though it's her job, sure, but dang you're still grateful you didn't have to do them)? Is it your aunt who taught you her cookie recipe all those years ago and who you think of every time you make them? Is it yourself? Your beautiful self who has looked out for you every day this week and made sure you had what you needed to get through your day?

Pick one person who pops up the most, or the person who you feel has had the biggest impact in your gratitude this week. Write them a letter. And read it to them. Send it if you must, but trust me, amazing things happen when you're vulnerable enough to say it out loud. (Yes, even to yourself! Do it!)

If you give it your all, I think it'll be delightful, darlings. I hope you join in 🤗

Take care,

Dr. Rebecca

PS — We’ll be off for a couple of weeks for the holiday, but I’ve got a few love letters planned for newsletter subscribers even though I won’t be releasing another episode until December. Sign up here to get it in your inbox!


3.1 Going With the Flow


2.8 Let’s Take a Bite